Emergency Plan
Why have a Plan?
As the Emergency Services may be having to respond to larger issues in the surrounding area, the Town Council is working on an Emergency Plan to be able to support our more vulnerable residents. This requires the active involvement of members of the community, as local residents know their community as no outsider can. The outcome will be an Emergency Group consisting of Councillors and members of the public. Town Councillors Jane Fountain, Charlotte Greenough and Stan Hebborn will be on the Emergency Group.
What is Community Resilience?
Community Resilience is the ability to keep functioning during an emergency, being collectively prepared to respond and recover, and being able to provide assistance to its vulnerable residents.
What emergencies will be covered?
Severe weather – floods, heavy snow, heatwaves, high winds. The Emergency Group will take the lead working with the emergency services and the District and County Councils.
Major Fire – The Emergency Group will work under the direction of the emergency services.
Civil unrest – Cllr Stan Hebborn will work with the police.
Hostilities (war/invasion) – Cllr Jane Fountain will work with the relevant authorities.
Loss of power/water/heating – utility companies and Anglian Water will help vulnerable residents who are registered with them. Contact them if you have special needs. The Emergency Group will work with the companies to ensure the safety and wellbeing of residents.
Infectious Disease/Pandemic – The Emergency Group will support the Public Health agencies as directed by them. Individuals should follow NHS and Government advice and regulations.
Loss of a child/vulnerable adult – The Emergency Group will support the police and emergency services under their direction.
What interested residents can do – complete the form about assistance wanted and offered by completing the below form
Community Emergency Plan – Assistance Offered and Wanted Form
Please deliver or email completed form to the Town Council, Wayland Hall, Middle Street, Watton or [email protected]
All information that you supply will be treated as confidential. It will be kept securely, and it will only be used in an emergency to assist the community emergency response, the Councils’ Emergency Planners and the emergency services. Details will be reviewed annually.