Committee Information

Council Committees Terms of Reference

The ‘Terms of Reference’ of each Council Committee are a guide to Members of the responsibility of each committee and to avoid duplication between committees. A PDF download of Committee TORs is available by clicking the link below.

All Committees were granted full delegated powers at the meeting of the Full Council, Item 17 on 30 June 2009 and need only present to Council recommendations that have been agreed to need Full Council approval.

All Committees are restricted to nine (9) Members. The Full Council can Co-opt Members to Committees with full voting rights.

Meetings and dates

The Committee cycle is the beginning of June to the end of May. The year’s draft cycle of meeting dates is put to Full Council for approval at the Annual General Meeting in May each year.

Should there need to be a change to the calendar due to a meeting being cancelled because of insufficient business to discuss or if a meeting needs to be brought forward due to an urgent  item then this would be agreed between the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council and the Chairman of the relevant committee.

The Council and its committees will make every effort to hear the public at meetings but there are rules in place to ensure the good conduct of all meetings. In general, if you wish to comment on any matter please contact the Clerk or Chairman of the appropriate committee as far in advance of the meeting as is possible.


  • Each Committee sets its budget in October to be included in the council’s budget for the forthcoming year
  • In November the Full Council agrees the council budget incorporating the Committee budgets for the forthcoming year
  • Each Committee has full delegated powers to spend within their agreed budget and be responsible for budget monitoring
  • Virement within the committee budgets is at the discretion of the Full Council
  • Additional expenditure not within the committee budget must be referred to the Full Council for approval

Watton Town Council Committee Terms of Reference